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Turning Fertilizer into a Winning Investment

Posted on February 15, 2016

No-tillers are tasked with making decisions each year to enhance production, improve sustainability and advance the bottom line.

But when faced with stresses like low commodity prices, no-tillers are often tempted to view inputs like starter fertilizer as an expense rather than an investment. 

In this No-Till Farmer webinar, Brian Banks, Senior Agronomist for The Andersons, explains how to capitalize on the benefits of fertilizer through proper placement and timing to maximize nutrient availability and provide nutrient balance in no-till soils. 

Banks is a certified crop advisor and vice chair of the Research and Education Committee for the Fluid Fertilizer Foundation. 

The webinar covers the following topics:

  • Positional availability of nutrients
  • How temperature affects fertilizer uptake
  • Nutrient balance
  • Nutrient stratification
  • Time and placement of nutrients


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