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Tune Up Your Soil: Pelletized Limestone & Gypsum Products

Posted on February 21, 2017

The Andersons pelletized products (NutraLime® DG and NutraSoft® DG) are manufactured from natural, high quality calcitic and dolomitic limestones and gypsum that are pulverized to a flour-like powder, then granulated into fertilizer-sized, moisture dissolvable granules. These products provide in-season, plant available calcium and magnesium or sulfur.

Dispersing Granule Technology

Our unique offering of pelletized limestone and gypsum products combine soil conditioning agents with our patented Dispersing Granule (DG) Technology. DG technology creates a low dust, spherical, ultra-dry particle that rapidly disperses upon contact with water, creating thousands of microparticles, resulting in improved coverage and solubility.

Why is Pelletized Limestone Better?

Pelletized limestone products are gaining popularity, but how do they compare to ag limestone? Most ag limestones are lower grade powders with poor particle size distribution, often becoming locked up and unavailable in the soil profile over time, not to mention their uneven, dusty application. The Andersons NutraLime® DG pelletized limestone is designed to be the most user-friendly pelletized limestone available, providing calcium and magnesium during the season of application to the crop. In a low cycle of commodity crop prices, or in high-value specialty agriculture, this means you do not have to wait for these nutrients to become available to your crop.


Why NutraLime DG?

NutraLime® DG pelletized limestone is micro-ground so a majority of particles pass through a 100 mesh sieve before the pelletizing process. The finer the grind, the faster and more effective the limestone. Particles passing through a 100 mesh sieve dissolve and neutralize acidity in as little as two weeks after application. Due to the increased effectiveness of the NutraLime DG particles, lower rates may be used to provide in-season calcium and magnesium. 

Product Downloads

NutraLime DG (Hi-Cal)

NutraLime DG (Hi-Mag)

Why Include Pelletized Gypsum In a Nutrient Management Plan?

Gypsum contains calcium, which is key to building soil structure. Good soil structure increases aeration and water efficiency, which supports crop quality, root growth, and soil biological activity. Seed emergence is also improved. The use of gypsum ultimately boosts yields, as calcium facilitates the movement of N-P-K and all other nutrients into the plant.1  For this reason, it has been referred to as the “trucker” of all nutrients. Calcium also stimulates beneficial soil microbes, which promote soil structure and make nutrients available to plants in the organic form.2

 Gypsum is also a great source of sulfur, which is vital for many plant functions, such as photosynthesis, chlorophyll production, and nitrogen synthesis. In legumes, sulfur aids in seed production and allows efficient nitrogen fixation. Sulfur is often overlooked as a nutrient, but it is vital for healthy plants. In the past, sulfur has been deposited by the atmosphere in the form of acid rain. More stringent environmental regulations have resulted in cleaner air, but a reduced sulfur content in rain and soil.3 For this reason, sulfur additions are critical for productive cropping systems.

 The Andersons NutraSoft® DG pelletized gypsum is a high-quality material mined from natural deposits. It is ground to a flour-like powder, then granulated into moisture dissolvable pellets. On contact with moisture, the pellets quickly disperse and release calcium and sulfur into the soil. NutraSoft DG pelletized gypsum can be applied anytime on all soil types and pH ranges. It blends easily with fertilizer and has a low dust level. NutraSoft DG pelletized gypsum’s calcium is 150 times more soluble than limestone. It is an excellent source of calcium and sulfur without raising the soil pH. The addition of NutraSoft DG pelletized gypsum will loosen compacted soils quickly and will help balance a soil’s calcium:magnesium ratio.


Product Downloads

NutraSoft DG (Hi-Cal)



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