Power Pass technology is a dual-action patent-pending technology. It not only increases crop performance but also aids in enhancing storability for select low-salt starter fertilizers.
Power Pass technology increases crop performance by enhancing plant health, nutrient absorption and field performance. Adding Power Pass technology with starter fertilizer applications increases the absorption of other applied nutrients. More nutrients in the plant equate to better overall plant health. Adequate nutrition prepares a plant to better defend against environmental stressors such as drought, insect pressure, and disease pressure.
Research Summary: The above trial was conducted in 2021 in Coldwater, Michigan with the photo taken 18 days after planting. In the trial, the treatment with Power Pass technology had significantly larger roots than those that did not.

Research Summary: In the above trial conducted in Walton, Indiana in 2020, the corn plants that received Power Pass technology were notably larger and were one growth stage ahead compared to those that did not. The plants that received Power Pass technology had greater emergence, with 2,000 more plants per acre compared to Season Pass alone.
Yield at harvest is a strong indicator of the efficacy of a fertilizer treatment. In The Andersons third-party and in-house trials, the addition of Power Pass™ technology consistently increased yield at harvest in various geographies.
Power Pass technology in a fertilizer solution enhances storability for select low-salt starter fertilizers. In testing, Season Pass Diamond with MicroCarb and Season Pass Plus Diamond with MicroCarb showed an average decrease of 4 degrees in salt-out temperature when Power Pass technology was added. Depression of salt-out temperature is common in Diamond products but may not occur with all GoldStart® products. Power Pass technology will not prevent freezing or crystals forming over the winter months. In the spring, following overwintering of product, The Andersons always recommends recirculating tanks with appropriate agitation prior to pumping product from tanks.
- Season Pass® with MicroCarb®
- Season Pass® Plus with MicroCarb®
- Season Pass® with MicroCarb® Diamond
- Season Pass® Plus with MicroCarb® Diamond
*Ask about including with other Diamond and GoldStart® product
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