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In 2023, hemp production in the United States reached a little over 21 thousand acres harvested with a value of $258 million. Hemp is grown for many applications including grain, fiber, and oil.

The grain, fiber, and oil are then turned into consumer products such as cloth, bioplastics, biofuels, food products, and paper.

Hemp production in Canada is more than double the acres of the United States, with over 55 thousand acres of hemp being produced. Like more traditional crops, hemp requires nutrients throughout the growing season to flourish.

Nutrient Deficiencies

Plants deficient in nitrogen will appear to have a pale green or yellow color to the leaves. Deficiency symptoms will first appear in the older leaves and can cause red or purple discoloration if left untreated.
Phosphorus deficiencies in hemp cause growth to be slowed delaying maturity. Leaves will have a dark green color with margins turning brown as deficiency worsens.
Potassium is mobile in plants causing older leaves to show signs of deficiency first. Leaves will begin to turn yellow with marginal chlorosis. If the deficiency is left unaddressed leaves will start to curl.
Plants that first show calcium deficiency will have pale green leaves that can eventually turn yellow. In severe cases, plants will become stunted and die.
With magnesium is mobile in plants older leaves will show deficiency signs first. Leaves will show interveinal chlorosis with leaf curling and marginal leaf necrosis.
Plants deficient in Iron will show interveinal chlorosis in the younger leaves. As deficiency continues leaves will start to appear necrotic and eventually drop.
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