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Copper 7.5%

Copper 7.5% from The Andersons is a fully chelated solution of copper EDTA and is recommended for the prevention and correction of copper deficiency in all types of crops.

Copper 7.5% is recommended for use on all soil types. The preferred use is soil application to prevent the deficiency although it may also be used as a foliar spray for correction. Reach out to your agronomist for questions about your specific soil and crop types before you begin your application.

Copper 7.5% Features and Benefits

  • A fully-EDTA chelated solution of copper created for use on all crops

  • A highly pure, clean, true solution in a dark blue liquid

  • Delivers copper essential for plant growth to crops

  • Acts as a regulator of plant respiration and reproduction

  • Prevents and corrects copper deficiencies

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I use EDTA-chelated micronutrients in both soil and foliar applications?

A: Yes, producers report great results when EDTA-chelated micronutrients are used as soil or foliar nutrients.

Q: Will EDTA-chelated micronutrients work as part of a tank mix?

A: Yes, EDTA-chelated micronutrients are the best micronutrients to use when tank-mixing nutrients and pesticides.

Q: Can EDTA-chelated micronutrients be used with other products?

A: EDTA-chelated micronutrients should be compatible with fertilizer and crop protection chemistry in both soil and foliar applications. Always jar test for compatibility.

Q: Can Copper 7.5% be mixed with crop protection products?

A: Yes, Copper 7.5% is compatible with many crop protection products as a tank mix partner. The Andersons recommend a compatibility (jar) test before field mixing and application. Always read and follow all individual product labels before use. For more information, visit AndersonsPlantNutrient.com/Tank-Mix


MicroSolutions from The Andersons

MicroSolutions micronutrients such as copper 7.5% are compatible with different types of fertilizers, many herbicides, and insecticides. These high-efficiency products are versatile, easy to handle, and offer superior uptake.

For more information on our products and pricing, please reach out to our sales team here.

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