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Over Pass 22-0-2

Over Pass 22-0-2 is a chloride-free foliar product that contains 25% slow-release nitrogen to extend absorption and minimize any leaf interaction in corn. The slow-release nitrogen provides 10-14 days of nitrogen feeding. Over Pass 22-0-2 also contains potassium, sulfur, and boron to enhance overall crop performance.

Features & Benefits of Over Pass 22-0-2

  • Chloride free
  • Contains slow-release nitrogen
  • Aids the plant during the stressful reproductive stage
  • Extends absorption and minimizes leaf burn from the application of nitrogen
  • Sets the plant up for higher yields
  • Provides 10-14 days of nitrogen feeding

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why do I need slow-release nitrogen?
A: Splitting up your nitrogen application reduces environmental losses and improves efficiency while maximizing yield. Over Pass 22-0-2 contains 25% slow-release nitrogen to help increase these efficiencies.

Q: How do I apply Over Pass 22-0-2?
A: Over Pass 22-0-2 is recommended for foliar application on most common field and row crops. Based on nitrogen requirements, Over Pass 22-0-2 can be soil applied once before planting or early sidedress.

Q: At what rates do I foliar apply Over Pass 22-0-2?
A: The recommended foliar application rates for Over Pass 22-0-2 are 4-8 quarts per acre. Soil application rates are based on nitrogen requirements.

Q: Why do I need a boron source?
A: Over Pass 22-0-2 provides a 0.5% boron source. Boron is important in plant development and proper maturity.

Q: Can Over Pass 22-0-2 be mixed with crop protection products?
A: Yes. Over Pass 22-0-2 is compatible with many crop protection products as a tank mix partner. The Andersons recommends a compatibility (jar) test before field mixing and application. Always read and follow all individual product labels before use. For more information, visit AndersonsPlantNutrient.com/Tank-Mix.




Contact The Andersons for your slow-release nitrogen solutions 

Our team at the Andersons is more than willing to help with any product or application questions you have. Fill out this form and a team member will be in touch with you shortly to help with your needs. 

Additional Resources

If you have more questions about the use of these products, please contact a trusted representative at The Andersons.

© 2022 The Andersons, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Over Pass is a registered trademark of The Andersons, Inc.

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