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Super 25B ® Slow-Release Nitrogen

Super 25B is 25% liquid nitrogen with 25% of its nitrogen in a slow-release form and 0.5% Boron. Super 25B is formulated as a triazone for improved crop safety and minimal corrosiveness. Boron is involved in plant development and the regulation of sugars and starches throughout the plant. The estimated release pattern is 10-14 days.

Features and Benefits of Super 25B

  • Formulated as a triazone for improved crop safety

  • 25% of nitrogen is in slow-release form

  • 0.5% Boron aids in plants development

  • Extends nitrogen release for both soil and foliar applications

  • Encourages plant safety

  • Reduces nitrogen leaching and nitrogen volatilization

Slow-release nitrogen FAQs

Q: Why do I need slow-release nitrogen?

A: Splitting up your nitrogen application reduces environmental losses and improves efficiency while maximizing yield.

Q: How do I apply Super 25B?

A: Super 25B is recommended for foliar application on most common field and row crops.

Q: At what rates do I foliar apply Super 25B?

A: The recommended foliar application rates for Super 25B are 1-2 gallons per acre.

Q: Why do I need a boron source?

A: Super 25B provides a 0.5% boron source. Boron is important in plant development and proper maturity.

Application and rates 

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