The introduction of VersaGard™ Fungicide G adds a vital weapon to your arsenal, helping to combat a variety of summer and winter diseases, including anthracnose, brown patch, dollar spot, red thread, snow mold, and more.
VersaGard for Summer Diseases
In a recent study to evaluate the control of anthracnose on annual bluegrass putting greens, VersaGard Fungicide provided excellent control of anthracnose and exceptional turf quality throughout summer.
Area under the disease progress curve for anthracnose severity measured on an annual bluegrass putting green over four weeks in the summer of 2019. Versagard applied at 3.63 lbs./1,000 sq. ft. provided significantly higher disease control compared to untreated plots.
Anthracnose pressure intensified in August as initial basal rot symptoms developed into leaf blighting and collapsed turf. Untreated turf had 24% damage on average, whereas the VersaGard treated turf had ≤5% damage on average.
VersaGard for Winter Diseases
VersaGard Fungicide G also helps to combat a variety of winter diseases, including snow mold. The the three-way active ingredient combination on our patented carrier makes application easy with any of our professional spreaders. See the table below for conversions of Instrata® application rates to VersaGard Fungicide G.
Instrata Rate Conversion to The Andersons VersaGard
For more information on VersaGard or any of our other products, please contact us.
© 2021 The Andersons logo is a registered trademark of The Andersons, Inc. VersaGard is a trademark of The Andersons, Inc. Instrata is a registered trademark of Syngenta Group Company.