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Improve Efficiency with Season Pass Plus® with AVAIL®

Posted on January 27, 2016

An application of 3 gal/A in-furrow at planting of Season Pass Plus with AVAIL Diamond drove yields more than 6% (10.5 bu/A).

The combination of early-season nutrients, the use of AVAIL to increase phosphorus efficiency, and the zinc aiding the plant in greater phosphorus uptake led to this result. This trial was replicated four times.

Season Pass Plus with AVAIL technology is a true NPK row starter that delivers 100% available orthophosphate to your corn crop to maximize yields. It can also lower moisture at harvest, reducing drying costs.

Here are some additional benefits of Season Pass Plus with AVAIL:

AVAIL makes Season Pass Plus one of the most efficient phosphorus sources on the market. AVAIL reduces the fixation of applied phosphorus and keeps more of it available for plant uptake.

Season Pass Plus has EDTA chelated zinc, which aids in phosphorus uptake and increases kernel depth and crop weight.

Season Pass Plus makes a great addition to a complete fertility program. With five gallons of Season Pass Plus, you will be placing ten pounds of available phosphorus in-furrow to feed the corn plant.

Season Pass and Season Pass Plus are now available in each of the three PureGrade low-salt starters base grades, allowing you to choose the product that best fits your fertility and investment needs.


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