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4 Ways to Integrate Drone Fertilizer Applications into your Crop Nutrition Plan

Posted on June 21, 2024

Integrating drone fertilizer applications into your crop nutrition plan can transform your fields. Drone use in agriculture applications allow for insights into your fields with more efficiency and flexibility. Here are four ways you can include drone applications into your crop nutrition plan. 

#1: Map Field Conditions   

Mapping field conditions can be a valuable advantage with the use of drones in agriculture. They can present valuable information about the field conditions of the crops without the need to physically enter the field.  

Remote sensing technology tracks the radiation in the ground, gathering data about temperature or changes in elevation. Advanced agricultural mapping drones are equipped with multispectral imaging, meaning they capture images in a range of wavelengths, allowing both visible and invisible light sensors to be studied.  

The data is gathered efficiently, saving plenty of time and giving a more in-depth analysis than other methods. Drones take the guesswork out of the growing process. The information gathered through mapping the field conditions provide insight into what the next steps are to improve crop growth.  

#2: Scout Crop Performance 

Another important way growers use drones to attain higher yields is by scouting the crop performance throughout the growing season. The high-performing cameras inside of the drone can survey the land to point out what areas are struggling. They can identify what areas have overperforming vs underperforming crops and find growth patterns. 

These anomalies can typically be rooted to variations in the soil, and providing data on these differences allows growers to react quickly and make changes to benefit crop health. Some issues can easily be missed in traditional scouting, but with advanced drone technology and real-time aerial surveillance adaptations can be made efficiently at any point in the season.

#3: Monitor Soil Conditions  

Drones can gather information on soil conditions through soil mapping and scouting crop performance. They can take this data one step further by collecting samples. These samples are analyzed to show factors such as pH level, soil fertility, and moisture content. Decisions regarding nutrient management and soil conditioning are made, boosting the soil.  

Some drones have advanced sensors to measure the nitrogen levels of the soil. Knowing those nitrogen levels will improve the application process, understanding where to apply and how much. This can be done precisely through drone fertilizer applications.  

#4: Deliver Essential Nutrients All Season Long 

Delivering essential nutrients has become more efficient and innovative with the technology of drones. Growers can apply crop protection products and nutrients in fewer passes than traditional methods. With the data accumulated through mapping field conditions, scouting crop performance, and monitoring soil conditions, growers can also determine the exact nutrients and protection products needed to be distributed in separate areas. The drones are precise, making sure no product is wasted by applying the product only on the crops that need it.  

It has never been easier to make sure your crops are getting the essential nutrients they need all season long. Drone fertilizers will continue to monitor the fields and adapt to each change that goes on. These adjustments will enhance crop health and yield.  

Discover the Aero Line from The Andersons 

Drones in agriculture have been revolutionary, saving growers and fertilizer applicators time and money, all while optimizing yields. Incorporating the Aero product lineup from The Andersons into your crop nutrition plan will transform your fields. For more information, contact your Territory Manager today.

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