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Biological Solutions Benefit the Future of Agriculture

Posted on July 22, 2024

In today’s agricultural landscape, the use of biologicals has become popular across the ag industry to optimize crop production. Agriculture industry leaders are turning to biologicals to increase soil health, enhance nutrient uptake, and contribute to larger and higher quality yields.  

The integration of biologicals in crop nutrition planning has emerged as a pivotal force in shaping the future of farming. It is important to understand the science behind these products. The natural mineralization of nutrients in the soil is a gradual process, so nutrients become accessible to crops over time. Soils rich in organic matter facilitate this process more rapidly than those with lower organic content. Introducing microbial populations into the soil system can accelerate mineralization.  

The Products 

The Andersons offers products to help improve soil health and increase crop productivity as well as elevate residue breakdown. Bio Pass®, Bio Pass LG each contain microbial components that include beneficial bacteria, fungi, or other microorganisms that contribute to soil health, plant growth, and crop productivity. With the highest concentration of microbials on the market, The Andersons products provide ease of use, efficiency, and a positive return on investment (ROI).  

Bio Pass, Bio Pass LG, and Bio Reverse® are designed to mix with liquid fertilizers and provide ease-of-use, efficiency, and a positive return on investment (ROI). Each product provides 300 billion colony-forming units (CFUs) per pint. The microbes in these products are naturally occurring and sourced from high performing soils. After the microbes come out of sporulation, they begin reproducing and doubling their populations every 45-60 minutes depending on soil temperature. The Andersons microbial packages use proprietary formulation-stabilizing technology, allowing the products to have a shelf life of two years. 

Microbial Benefits

At the heart of the future of farming lies soil health, and these three biologicals play a key role in nurturing it. By incorporating these microbial components into the soil, it improves soil structure, fertility, and nutrient cycling. Healthy soils not only support higher crop yields but also mitigate erosion, reduce nutrient runoff, and sequester carbon. These effects set the foundation for sustainable farming practices. 

Not only are there soil health benefits from these products. Biological solutions also offer tangible economic advantages for farmers. By reducing input costs, increasing crop yields, and enhancing market competitiveness, these solutions improve the profitability and long-term viability of farming operations.  

Backed by Research

The following graphic illustrates the impact of Bio Reverse on soybean crops in Indiana when applied in the fall.

The graph shows that fields treated in the fall with Bio Reverse® (1 pint per acre) yielded an average of 82.0 bushels per acre (bu/a), which is an increase of 3.0 bu/a compared to the untreated check, which yielded 79.0 bu/a. As seen in the photo above, the soybeans from the field with the Bio Reverse treatment display more robust plant growth and larger root systems compared to the untreated check. 

For additional research insights, download our 2023 research guide

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