Humic DG
DG Technology creates a dust free, spherical, ultra-dry particle that rapidly disperses into thousands of microparticles upon contact with moisture. Humic DG granules’ increased surface area, when compared to screened humate, creates greater availability to the plant. It performs in a wide range of conditions and soil types, independent of application method, and features dual carbon sources that are unique to The Andersons granular humic products. Humic DG contains the full spectrum of humic substances: fulvic acid, humic acid, and humin, as well as humic acid precursor.
Q: How does the humic acid content of Humic DG granules compare to other liquid and dry humic acid products?
A: As a granular soil amendment with 70% humic acid (A&L method), Humic DG granules compare favorably to dry, granular, and powdered humic acid products. The humic acid is more effective in the soil than most of the competitive products due to the self-incorporating microparticles that provide greater surface area for soil activity and contain all three humic fractions.
Q: How does humic acid affect nitrogen volatilization?
A: The high reactivity of humic acid retains the nitrogen in the ammonium form, preventing it from volatilizing to ammonia and not being utilized by the plant.
Q: Do humic acids influence phosphorus activity in the soil?
A: Yes, increased phosphorus availability has been observed in academic studies. Humic acid impacts both short-term and long-term phosphorus availability